Kristina Braly

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5 Reasons You Should Join The Pretty Committee

But first, some announcements!

We've been nominated! Woohoo!

Please share and vote for your favorite blog and/or shop. Each nomination gets their own post where you can vote by either commenting and/or twittering using the widget at the bottom of each nomination.

NOTE: Nominations will end on February 20th so get them in soon! They'll be keeping the top 5 nominations in each category for the last week of February.

You can vote for Pretty Shiny Sparkly right HERE!Thanks for taking the time to vote!

Now, back to those 5 reasons...

5. By clicking "Follow" in the google gadget in the sidebar, you automatically add the hotness that are the Pretty Shiny Sparkly posts to your Google reader. Don't know what Google Reader is? Check it.

4. When you "subscribe" for free email updates, you get a daily digest of PSS posts delivered straight to your inbox (free!) so you'll never miss out on fabulous things like twitter contests, facebook fan contests, or flash giveaways. Yep, that's right, I said flash giveaways. They're coming soon, and they only last 24 hours. Hot.

3. Because it's fun to say. It has a nice ring to it!

2. It makes your friends jealous. But then they google it, find PSS, and join in the fun. One big happy family. It's all good!

1. Because you get free stuff! Starting today, if you are officially a Pretty Committee member (that is, you have followed via Google Friend Connect, Subscribe to the RSS feed, or get our posts by email) you get a free sticker! Would you like one? I'll send one to you!

you want this dose of pretty!

Aren't they cute? Here's how to get one!

Send an email to kristina [at] with your name & mailing address and I'll pop one in the mail for you!