Fashionable iPad Cases - Part 1

There's probably no gadget cooler out there right now than the iPad. As an original iPad owner and now an iPad 2 owner, I must admit that it might be more exciting picking out a fashionable case to tote it around in, than the actual iPad purchase itself. (I'm the same way with Kindles, too.) I had a great time looking for cases (right now I've just got the pink smart cover from Apple) and have a roundup of luxury iPad cases here. Now, I don't really think it practical to purchase a case that costs more than the device it's protecting--but it's fun to dream, right?

I will follow up with a roundup of more budget-friendly versions in an upcoming post. But speaking of budget-friendly--did you catch that Ted Baker case? Only $70 and it's very reminiscent of Miu Miu, don't you think? For more great iPad cases, check out this link.


(An Amazing) Week in Review


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