Kristina Braly

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Amber Lights

Sometimes you just can't mess with a good thing (or are too lazy to, take your pick). This time, it's with a pajama-style boyfriend striped shirt, a mess of a necklace, and python wedge sandals. Red lipstick (Maybelline "Red Revolution") and red nails (Essie "Forever Yummy") perked me up a bit after another exhausting call (hello, 2 hours of sleep in 26 hours at the hospital). July 1st, you cannot come quickly enough!

This Friday is going to be particularly exciting, because HB is graduating from medical school! I'm fortunate enough to get the whole weekend off, plus Memorial Day, which means I get some much needed R&R and quality time with the boyfriend. Yay!

Hope you enjoy this second round of post-call air-dried hair.