Kristina Braly

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Bring it on

It's nearly a week since my last post and I hardly noticed; time has flown by so quickly.  I completed all of my makeup exams (yay!) and have basically finished covering all of the lectures from last week that I missed, with the exception of a couple of Physical Diagnosis lectures and a lecture on child abuse...those will just have to wait.  From now until Christmas, my middle name is Renal.  Indeed, we have started the kidney block, folks, one of the most notorious blocks of second-year here at my medical school.  This is probably owing in part to the fact that 1/5th of our professors this year are nephrologists.  No joke.  They likey the tough questions.  It makey their existence worthwhile.

Bring. It. On.

I also met my preceptor today, an awesome guy who happens to be a trauma surgeon (!), which I may be someday!  So far this year I have been blessed with fabulous PBL groups (and facilitators), a fabulous preceptor, a fabulous new townhome, and the fabulous continued love and support of my boyfriend.  (Side note: am I getting too old to be calling him "boy-friend"? Man-friend? Eh.)  It's so strange that one day (take yesterday, for example) I can be feeling totally low, and the loss of my brother hits me all over again, and I am wracked with pain, dullness, and a blank stare that I'm sure mystifies the heck out of H.

This weekend brought some sorely-needed R&R with my buddy Sara, who flew in to town from New Orleans to keep me company.  It wasn't the most exciting weekend we've ever had when she comes to town, but it's just what I needed.  A little shopping, a little movie-watching, and a lotta beer.  Perfect.

By the end of this week, I hope to be completely caught up with material, so I can finally return some phone calls.  :)

And now, for some pics of our shopping excursion this weekend...