Kristina Braly

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Dress for the Holidays - By Profresh Style

profresh styleGuest Blogger: Christina Topacio | Profresh Style

While I'm in Norway for the holidays I've asked a few select bloggers to host Pretty Shiny Sparkly until my return. Please give Christina a warm welcome with your comments! xoxo -- Kristina

Happy Holidays PSS readers!

Watch the video for info on what I'm doing on Pretty Shiny Sparkly!

The holidays are here and it came at rapid speed, don't you think? I'm not sure about you all but since it's come so quickly and I'm surely on a budget, I don't have time to go out and buy brand new pieces for the holiday festivities. What I've done for you today is put together a few looks you could wear for such occasions with pieces I'm sure you all have in your closet.

Whether it's a work party, Christmas party or family celebration, dressing up always seems to be a part of it all. I have so much fun getting fancy for my family parties and I'm sure if I worked in an office, I'd wear this exact look. The best thing about wearing something like this, is that you can swamp things in and swamp things out. Don't wear heels? Wear embellished flats. Don't like fishnet tights? Don't wear legwear. Don't wear fur? Rock a blazer, cropped trench or sweater shawl depending on how dressy the occasion is. The main staple is the bottom-down dress. It has comfort and ease without looking fussy in something too tight or too short.

As we all know, sequins is the staple for New Years. For me, every year it's been about NOT doing sequins. For the past few years, it's been feathers or something stark in color. The same goes for this year. This vintage cobalt blue Diane Von Furstenberg dress is a classic style for a New Years Eve celebration. It's appropriate, it's flattering and you will be the star of the room. Obviously you don't own this exact dress, but the point is to try to rock away from the usual suspects. What's the most flattering color dress in your closet? Wear that and accessorize. However, if you are completely in love with sequins (I am, on non-usual-suspecting days), then I'd wear it somewhere unsuspecting like your legwear or your clutch. Keep it classy and timeless.

Going out after New Years is one of my favorite things to do. Grabbing brunch with the girls or with the family after the New Year is a great tradition to start. After I go out on New Years, the last thing I want to do is get super ready. My solution? Leggings and a blazer. It can do no wrong. It also works anywhere you go for brunch-casual and a bit dressed up. The accessories are what make the outfit.

Thanks Kristina for letting me be a part of your guest blogging and I hope all the PSS readers enjoyed! Come visit me over at! xx

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