Kristina Braly

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Ebb and Flow

{ Dress- c/o The Unique Closet, rosary Necklace & turquoise Ring- Forever 21, Shoes- Steve Madden }

The moment I saw this dress online I instantly fell in love with it. I think mainly because I'm trying things outside of my normal fashion "comfort zone" and short printed dresses are not at the top of my go-to list. But I'm a sucker for anything belted, and it comes with the belt--so I had to have it!

I really wish my legs were a bit tanner. Yes, I know I can self-tan them, but a) I don't have the time and b) I've been spending the least amount of time possible in my bathroom thanks to the monster roach I spotted on the floor when pulling the shower curtain aside a few days ago. The scene could have competed with Psycho for Best Horrific Shower Scene, if you ask me!

It looks like little party flags on my dress, doesn't it? So cute!

I miss my photographer! *whimpers* It's been a week without [houston] but it feels like a month. So far we've Skyped once, which is pretty cool by the way, and he's text-messaged me pictures of his small room + kitchenette at the extended-stay he's at right now. Three away-rotations. It's going to be a long 3 months!

I wore this outfit to see the movie Salt with my BFF Tracy, and to say I was confused the entire time would be an understatement. I'm normally an ace at figuring out plot twists waaaay before they happen, but this one had me befuddled the entire time, right up until the end. It was good!

Next up on my list of movies to see (probably alone this time since I have no friends with schedules as crazy as mine): Step Up 3D. Don't laugh!