Excuses, Excuses

I could totally bore you right now with some lame blah-ger excuse about life catching up to me, or something equally as lamesauce--but I won't. Instead, I will bore you with the truth: HB (my resident photographer and future hubby) has been in absentia much of this month thanks to a rigorous rotation on Cardiothoracic Surgery, which is even tougher than it sounds.

That, combined with an equal--guilty-as-charged--tendency to hang around in my pajamas when I don't have to dress up for things (like my bridal shower, here, or a gala) means I'm rather lacking on the outfit post scene lately.


...But if you're in the Texas area and attending the 2nd annual Texas Style Council, I'd like to make it up to you by giving you a free hug. Mar 9-11th. While supplies last. Void where prohibited. Limit 3 per customer.

To explain the lame-ness of these photos: this was taken after my bridal shower by HB who was literally laying down on the couch. I have a rather annoying habit of not taking photos whenever I am at an event--of any kind. Some would say I live in the moment, but I say I'm just being a bad blogger.


Getting to Glowy

