Float Like a Butterfly Sting Like a Bee

{ fringe top - forever 21, belt - gifted, tutu - forever 21, boots - frye c/o shop bop, watch - michael kors c/o shop bop, bag - prada, polish - china glaze in liquid leather }

Remember this post? You can see the silvery-lavender streaks are still there, less bluish now, and um, yeah, I bit the bullet and added some pink and purple streaks. I used Manic Panic (semi-permanent so it'll wash out before I hit the hospital wards on my medical school rotations in July) in Cotton Candy and in Mystic Heather.

Another day, another wonderful excuse to dress up, and what a post full of new things: the debut of my DIY hair (bangs, color, and pink & purple streaks), a new layout, and a new favorite place to shoot my outfits. If you're new here, here's what the old design looked like, and here's what the old hairstyle looked like (oh, and WELCOME!!). Many thanks to Jessica for hosting yet another great fashion blogger challenge! Click here for more inspiration (once you've bookmarked PSS, of course)!

As always, your feedback means a lot. What do you think of the redesign? The look? The hair? Y'all are like my best girlfriends. I need your opinions!


Links à la Mode: May 20th


Friday Roundup: May 21