Kristina Braly

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Half Moon Nails

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I'm a big fan of the half-moon trend, and after reading this gal's post about lilac & gold nails, I knew I had to apply the color pairing to half moon nails. Now, I'd never tried this before, but I knew the basics (use notebook reinforcement stickers, etc.). But I never realized just how truly difficult this is for the impatient in life. I messed up my left thumb so many times, I basically tried to exclude it from most of the shots you'll see below. I eventually got it all fixed, once I forced myself to wait long enough for the gold to actually dry.

So, lesson learned: BE PATIENT! You will reap what you sow.


Sure, it's not perfect, but it will be with more practice.

...Too bad my Chanel Fall 2011 nail polishes arrive at my doorstep tomorrow (that's Peridot and Graphite). Guess what I'll be doing?

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