Kristina Braly

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Hello Moto

Last weekend in between studying, shopping, margaritas & movie dates, I drove out to Angleton, TX about 30 minutes away from where I live, and cheered my dad on at his very first racing competition. Check out all of his amazing results (that's Rune to you)! I'm so proud of him!

Of course I dressed the part, though I didn't exactly realize how much until I was dashing out of the house and glanced at myself in the mirror. Moto jacket and moto boots, oh my!

Pappa (as he is affectionately known) didn't mind one bit - he was just happy to have his eldest daughter take time from her back-breaking medical school schedule and oh-what-is-that-thing-she-does-again-oh-yeah-blogging life and make sure he didn't break something cheer him on.

My dad has a real job, but racing motorcycles has been his passion for several years now, just like style blogging is mine. He works in finance, I work in medicine. We both have hobbies that are completely polar opposites to our "real lives". I'd say that makes us twinkies, don't you?

outfit shots by Lukas Medhus

I wanna go FAST!

Pappa, Pops, Papparazzi (when he gets maniacal with his Nikon), Popster, Old Man, Rooney-Tunes...

Pit boss { Uncle Jim }

Hangin' out with buddy (and former Houston Astro & All-Star MLB player) Terry Puhl & his lovely wife Jackie

Meanwhile, trying to ignore the fact that Life Flight arrived for a guy whose throttle got stuck a few races before my dad's (although, woo, Hermann! that's my hospital!).

Congratulations, Pappa! You did stellar! I see you have if you need any advice on workin' with ' know who to call. ;)

I can almost hear his eyes rolling.


I don't think you're ready for this jelly....and by jelly I mean my so-cute-it's-painful niece, Arley!

I'd tell you she looks exactly like me when I was her age, but then I couldn't gush about how cute she is without seeming oddly self-serving. And awkward. So I won't tell you. Okay?

Hi, precious.

When you aren't blogging or dreaming up outfits, tell me...what's your day job?