Kristina Braly

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Introducing: Shop Pretty

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Whoa! What's this?It's a totally cool place where you can shop PSS's closet! New, like-new, and vintage items for ridiculously low prices, and $1 shipping to anywhere in the U.S. (and super low rates for Canada and the rest of the world too)!

WhyWhy not? Call it spring summer cleaning, call it a way to give unique and hand-selected pieces a loving home for fellow fashionistas on a budget, call it whatever you want. But call it Shop Pretty.

PaymentsPayments are made through Paypal, which is totally free and secure. Shipping is via first-class mail.

Up for grabsRight now there's a fantastic jewelry collection, and clothing (tops, skirts, handbags, etc) are planned in the future. Please shop around, and help spread the word!

Thanks so much guys, and I'd love to know what you think!