Kristina Braly

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Keeping It Casual

Hello my friends! I am alive! I'm truly sorry for being MIA here on the blog these days...My American Board of Anesthesiology exam (part 1) is coming up July 29th and I've been spending every waking hour at home studying for the darn thing. Oh, and doing yoga. I'm doing yoga now and so far I like it! 

I have a bunch of exciting things coming up in August that I cannot WAIT to share with you guys - I've been planning these things for weeks now in anticipation of my creative storm being unleashed upon you all after so many weeks pent up without a creative outlet. But all in good time. 

I hope you'll enjoy a rare outfit post - but because I keep it real on this blog, it's actually what I wear (gasp). No "dressing up for outfit photos" or anything. Bottom line, this is what I wear on the weekends. Pretty. Darn. Lazy. 

But I love it. I always add a little "extra something" and in today's case it was the rose gold sandals. But mostly I keep it comfy casual in jeans and a t-shirt.

Jeans: Current/Elliott "Slouchy Stiletto" | Topshop "Fancy" sandals | Rolex watch | Ray-Ban sunglasses | Céline bag 

See you soon! Wish me luck!