Kristina Braly

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My First Time: Lash Extensions

eyelashextensions-lgAll my life I've struggled with beauty's stereotype of long, full, luxuriously jet-black eyelashes. Mine come in the short, stubby, so-blonde-you-can't-see-them variety. I'm pretty sure the first bit of makeup I ever wore was mascara. These days, I can't go out of the house unless I'm wearing mascara. I feel like I look like a 10 year old boy without it.

Now, you know that I'm always on the hunt for the perfect mascara. I've also tried Latisse -- and loved it (no eye color changes or anything) -- but it is expensive, and takes months to see results. I had heard about Lash Extensions but also assumed that they were bad for one's lashes and that they made them fall out quicker. What I've found in my research have to do your research.

There are chop shops out there (*cough* Amazing Lash *cough*) that experts have told me horror stories about. Using nail glue on people's eyes, incorrectly gluing lashes together instead of individually (since each lash has its own cycle, lash extensions should always be one-to-one)...the nightmarish list goes on. But I've found one lash salon in Houston (my hometown) that does it right. So right, in fact, that the lady who did my lash extensions was named the Lashista of the Year for 2013. It's a national honor given to one lash stylist in the world by the leading lash extension brand, Xtreme Lashes.

Click to watch the video of the whole procedure, including before and afters, below!

So for the details: I got the faux Mink lashes, which are even more lightweight, silkier, and feel more natural on the lashes. They cost a bit more, but you could just as easily go with the regular lashes. In fact, I had a few regular lashes in lighter shades of brown thrown in there (Trishia's idea) for more of a natural, highlighted effect. I couldn't get them wet for 12 hours afterwards, so I made sure to shower that morning. No eye makeup to the salon (which was definitely weird). The process took about 2 1/2 hours. It was easy for me, because I just talked Trishia's ear off while my eyes were closed. You get used to the tickling senesation very quickly, as she gets to work. I never felt tweezers or anything on my skin. She was a true professional, and my ahem--surgeon husband remarked to me afterwards how impressed he was at the steadiness of her hands.

Bonus! I don't have to wear mascara anymore, true...but I also don't have to wear eyeliner anymore either! Yes, it's a pain not being allowed to rub my eyes with my hands and babying them when I wash my face (I also miss my cleansing balm/oils!) but it's the price you have to pay.

Double Bonus! If you live in Houston and decide to get your lash extensions done at Winx Lash & Makeup Studio, mention my blog, Pretty Shiny Sparkly, and receive 40% off your first full set of lash extensions. Wowzers!

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