Kristina Braly

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Norwegian Leopard

leopard coat (ebay) | zara scarf | lands' end canvas nordic sweater | saddleback leather satchel | ugg boots | north face hat

...I'm back! How was your New Years? Did you party or stay in??

I am so glad you enjoyed all of my amazing guest bloggers' posts over the past two weeks--aren't they a lovely bunch?! If you haven't checked them all out, please feel free to do so here.

My Christmas and New Year in Norway was an amazing trip, so much to talk about, so much to tell...for now, though, I'm jetlagged and ridiculously, incredibly, harassedly, busy starting a new rotation (Neurology) and being on call today, the first day, when I am already sleep-deprived and my circadian rhythm is on the fritz. I will be doing some Norway-themed posts coming up, but I just wanted to post one of my outfits I wore in Norway and say HELLO and that I missed you all!

Isn't this coat amazing? I got it on eBay for $17. Yep, $17. It pays to eBay, I tell ya! My Ugg boots sent to me by Shop Bop and my Saddleback Leather satchel kept me company everywhere I went in Norway. Don't you love my little fur fuzz ball on my bag? I love accessorizing a bag with something unique to make it mine.

On this particular day, and on many others, the temperature was hovering around -24C (that's like -7F!) and every inch of every branch and bush was covered in frosty white icing. It was a beautiful landscape, and pretty much stole the show, don't you think?

(Thanks for the lovely photos, HB!)