NOTD: Essie Fiji

Essie "Fiji"

And now, we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you: the NOTD! (That's Nail of The Day, to you!)

Essie “Fiji” is notoriously hard to apply, according to several nail polish blogs and review sites.

all photos taken in daylight

But I didn’t have much trouble at all applying this polish. In fact, it only took two coats (one thin, one thick). I did apply a base coat (I used Salon Sciences Instant Artificials for nail strength and base coating) and top coat (Seche Vite), which may be why it went on smoother than expected. Pale opaque creams are difficult to apply anyway, which may be the culprit. But I just love this dreamy pale pink color. It reminds me of OPI “Mod About You” but a bit paler, pinker, and a tidge warmer.

But the best part about this is it highlights the sparkle of rings and jewelry quite nicely. It's just pink enough to add femininity to your hand, but neutral enough that it does not push your style over the edge when wearing lots of jewelry. (It goes best with silver-toned jewelry, by the way). It is, quite simply, the most perfect pale pink polish I have ever encountered.

Products Used

You can purchase Essie products at Target, CVS, Walgreens, Amazon, or your local nail salon for about $8.

I hope you enjoyed this little beauty break! What did you think?


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