Oh Mah Gaw

When I flipped open the November issue of ELLE Decor (a luxury I afford myself once every couple of months), I had to pick up my jaw off of the floor. What a stylish apartment! This is what a lot of money and time will give you, folks (oh, and a top-knotch designer). Check out that gorgeous dressing room (catch that purple Hermes Birkin bag? I DIE).

I love the muted tones of silver/grey and lavender throughout - it's definitely something I'll be incorporating into my own nebulous future home one day. That, and other rooms will feature baby blues and silver. I just love that coffee table above that looks like it's floating in mid-air and giant Tiffany silver bead necklace is dangling from it. Ingenious!! Check out more of the gorgeous apartment here, or purchase a copy of November's ELLE Decor (hurry before next month's comes out!).


MNG by MANGO Reunion at JCPenney

