Kristina Braly

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Panasonic Lumix G5

Panasonic sent me their new mirrorless interchangeable lens camera (let's shorten that to MILC), which is the hybrid system between pocket cams and Digital SLR's. We can't call them SLRs, because they don't have a mirror to...well...single-lens-reflect. Or something.

Anyhoo: I was most excited about getting this camera in my hands once they told me some of the specs, because of what it can do for video. Autofocus (during filming). Soft focus blurred backgrounds. Incredibly sharp HD. Holy moly.

Watch the video below to see how it performs in video quality, and stay tuned for an upcoming post in which I detail the awesome filter effects it provides (take THAT Instagram!). I included a couple of previews below:

Check out the Panasonic Lumix G5 for yourself, and don't forget to add it to your wishlist!

P.S. - Click for the Winnie update. May need to take a few days off from posting otherwise. Hope you undersand.

Panasonic provided product and compensation for my time and work spent into reviewing this product. All opinions are my own, and will always reflect my true sentiments.