Kristina Braly

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Seeing Spots

It can safely be assumed that I have a steadfast addiction to polka dots. Unhealthy, some might say. I say, wearing them makes me feel simultaneously polished, youthful, and very, very happy. While I agree they're not for everyone, there's so many ways to wear them. You can pair them with flared jeans or slacks for a polished, more professional look. You can mix it up with another similarly-proportioned print for lots of fun (my favorite) or with a bright solid like this pink skirt (seen here). Polka dots--the new classic? I vote yes!

Here's what happens when your younger sister comes outside to debate our mother's sanity. I roped her in to sneak some sisterly shots.

Oy vey, there were so many things not okay about taking pictures of this outfit, which I wore to my mom's 56th birthday bash.

  • I was, admittedly, the most dressed up family member there.
  • (Let's not even talk about the raised-eyebrows-look I gave my dad when he opened the door wearing crew socks with boat shoes.)
  • Let's also not talk about the 150% humidity that Texas decided to spring upon us at the balmy hour of 7pm.
  • Indeed, let us also not talk about how after reviewing photos from this outfit, I immediately began a self-tanner regimen, which, let's be honest, isn't quite there yet. Thus, the black tights.

My boyfriend kindly but concernedly asked about the state of my orange elbows a few days ago. "Oh, it's self tanner," I replied, tucking my arms to my sides and wrapping up tighter in my blanket. Still have some work to do.

But it's nothing that can't be cured with a sister who joins you outside to "strike a pose"!

Sunday was spent working on an exciting project which I can't wait to tell you about. But mum's the word until they give me the go-ahead!! HB and I also played host for the very first time since moving into our apartment nearly a year ago - my dad cooked us all his famous spaghetti and meat sauce (it is out of this world), while I whipped up a homemade caesar salad (anchovies and all). The rest of the weekend was consumed by studying for my Pediatrics board exam which is this Friday.

How was your weekend spent? Lovely I hope.