Kristina Braly

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Sex & the City 2 Contest

**This Contest is now closed! Scroll down for the winner!**

Sex and the City 2 tour contest giveaway

Because it's May (my birth month), and because it's the month that will see the sequel to one of the biggest box office hits in recent history, I want to celebrate with a giveaway.

Pretty Shiny Sparkly is giving away two (2) tickets to a Sex & the City tour! The tickets allow you and your buddy/best girlfriend/hubby/mom/whomever to tour some of the most memorable places in New York City that have been featured in every woman's fave HBO series.

The great news is, if you're busy (like me) and don't live in NYC (like me) these tickets don't expire - so whenever you're in the Big Apple, you can sign up for the tour and your tickets will be valid. They also have a Gossip Girl tour, how cool is that?

To Enter:

  • Answer the following question in a comment: Which Sex & the City character are you most like, and why?

Best of luck everyone! Winning commenter will be randomly selected and announced within this post - so please check back on May 8th to see if you won!

Contest ends Friday, May 7th at 11:59pm Central Time

Open to residents in the United States and Canada. Contest prize (valued at $84) provided by Screen Tours.

If you like the contests I run on Pretty Shiny Sparkly, please consider supporting it by sharing this post using the Bookmark/Share button below (or click "Like"!). Think of it as a Karma boost that may result in you being the lucky winner! (Though it's not up to me.)

Congratulations to Commenter #7 Allison! Looks like 7 is a lucky number after all...

The new Sex & The City 2 trailer after the jump...