Kristina Braly

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A pretty day spent at home preparing for interview season (for those who are just tuning in, I'm interviewing for residency in Anesthesiology), cleaning house, and then trying out a new churrascaria down the street (sadly, we were not impressed). But good wine and each other's company is really all we need to have a good time.

Dining out is really one of our favorite things to do as a couple together. When we first started dating, it was a lot of movie-going. But that got old (and expensive) fairly quickly. We are both foodies, and we love a good bottle of pinot noir, so it rapidly filled our #1 slot of favorite ways to spend time together.

What is your favorite thing to do with your significant other? (And for the singles out there--what do you do for yourself? When I was single, it was watching musicals at home in pajamas with comfort food--haha!)

P.S. - Vahni spent the weekend in Barcelona, and she has a ton of photos and videos to share with us! I'll be sharing her MNG by MANGO mission with you all soon!