The Biggest Liar (Winner!)

Wow. You guys sure are a bunch of big fat liars.But had me giggling for days. I don't know where you came up with some of this stuff. Here are a few of my favorites (in no particular order):

I’m SO into PSS that I’m changing my initials to PSS.

A nice little Twilight reference...

In my quest to become pretty shiny and sparkly, I asked my friend Eddie- Eddie Cullen, to bite me so I could sparkle in the sun. He did it and, well-here we are. My best friend Jake Black was all emo over it for awhile, but he got over it. Pfft, boys. Am I right, ladies? Can I get an Amen?! I eat a lot of carrots because I’m a vegetarian vampire so my eyes are nice and shiny, and mere human jaws drop at how BEAUTIFUL I am. ;] That’s pretty much my true life story.

This one made me laugh out loud -- so loud, I scared HB on the couch:

My two cats have surmounted the challenge of feline illiteracy simply so they can have the pleasure of reading Pretty Shiny Sparkly.

And this one...

As I anxiously watched Jack Bauer on “24″ try once again to make the world safe for pretty, shiny, sparkly things, I suddenly felt a great sense of calm overtake me. I knew Jack would triumph, because your website is 100% in support of his efforts. I thank you, and Jack thanks you. By the way, he wanted me to say he LOVES the earrings he won from you, and he plans to wear them next season when he takes on the ultimate source of ugly: Lady Gaga’s School of Fashion Terrorists.

Right on:

Pretty Shiny Sparkly is the only blog I ever broke up with someone over – he said it was me or PSS, and I chose PSS!

And for my all-time favorite, from Laura Hadland:

I’ve become so obsessed with Pretty Shiny Sparkly on the blog and on Twitter, that I’ve actually had a restraining order taken out on me now – I’m not allowed within 30 feet of my laptop. I’m typing this with fake fingers made out of 19 telescopic drinking straws taped together with the sticky ties off bread loaves.

Tears. Tears of laughter. You guys crack me up. We should do this again soon! I hope you all had a chance to check out Jujube's gorgeous creations on Etsy - pick up a couple for yourself & friends if you didn't win.

Congratulations to our lucky random winner (compiled from comment entries, facebook, and twitter followers/referrals): Kimberlee Cantwell!

Her winning entry ended up being her lie (and it was good), check it out:

I begged my hubby to get the toothpicks from the cupboard because I couldn’t close my eyes for even a second. I stare… longingly… into the depths of your blog. I wish I could swim in a pool of pretty, shiny, sparkly.

Kimberlee you will get an email from me with further instructions. Thanks to all who entered!

You make my day with your comments--on all my posts. In case you missed it, here's a recap of the latest posts:


Video Blog: What's In My Purse?


Louis Vuitton RTW Fall/Winter 2010/2011