Things I Love: The Statement Watch

Statement watches have been an obsession of mine since I was a youngster. When other girls were getting mermaid dolls and Polly Pockets for Christmas, I got my very first watch (it was a Wittnauer). From then on: I was hooked. The day I go without wearing a watch is a day I will feel completely naked. And I have always, always worn mens' watches. I'm not even sure why, especially since I have like, the tiniest wrists ever. I guess I feel like mens watches (like menswear, engineer boots, or big tough red trucks*) accentuate femininity via the contrast.

One of my favorite new sites to browse in the morning over coffee & cereal before work is The Inside Source. It's a new fashion Web Site in a magazine-style with a clean layout that features great editorial content on the latest trends and designer news. And, it's created by eBay. Way to go, eBay! They did a post about statement watches here which I really enjoyed.

Since we can't all afford the luxurious Chanel J12 watch or the Hermes Clipper, eBay comes in very handy. I myself am a huge, huge fan of Michael Kors watches (and sport #4 above almost every single day) because they're pricey enough to reflect their true quality and craftsmanship, yet are attainable.

1. Zodiac | 2. Michael Kors Oversized - Rose Gold $250 | 3. Chanel J124. Michael Kors Jet Set Sport $250 | 5. Hermes Clipper

Thanks so much for reading, and don't forget to check out The Inside Source! My trip to New York Fashion Week is being funded thanks to this post (which is sponsored by The Inside Source) so please support such awesomeness! Show this post (and The Inside Source) some love, please! Thank you!

*Two Fridays ago, like a genius, I rear-ended someone's car being totally ADHD. So for a week I was literally driving around a big red Dodge truck, and it looked...hilarious.


Friday ~ Frankie Diary ~ FBFF


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