When I Say Happy You Say Birthday

Happy Birthday Pretty Shiny SparklySo...today's my birthday.

I can't wait to recap the weekend's festivities (and mention that I got an iPad from my parents yesterday!). Birthdays in our family are notorious - it's our family tradition steeped in insanity, to place far too much importance on material possessions and limelight on the day of one's birth, but frankly we don't give a hoot. In a year full of trials and stress and feeling a bit like a nobody some days - we think it's well-deserved to have a day celebrating you.

Thank you for all of your supportive comments. The fact of the matter is I would not be blogging without your feedback. You are the fuel to my fire, the bread to my butter, the Christian to my Louboutin.

I'd like to thank the following people who have so graciously added PSS to their blogrolls: Sara, Weardrobe, Peace Love Sarcasm, Accessories Junkie, Treasures, Aislinn, Chi-Chi (says Robin), Pink Blog Girl & if I'm leaving you out, please let me know & I will update the post accordingly!

So, on this day that shares its name with the radio distress call for pilots (oh how pleasant), I celebrate my 26th year. It's the first birthday in 20 years that I will be celebrating without my brother. But he's probably around anyway.

26. Over the hump of my twenties. Hrm. I feel 30. But in a good way.

Thanks to you all!

thanks to dream photography for permission to use this photo for my bday :)


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