Kristina Braly

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Win a Leather Book Macbook Case (a BookBook!)

I love love love my BookBook case from TwelveSouth. I have a 15" Macbook and with my frequent trips to the hospital and medical school for work and edu-ma-cation bizness...I tend to worry a lot about it getting stolen from my bag during a trip to the bathroom, coffee break, etc.

The boys over at TwelveSouth have had a  real hit on their hands with the invention of the BookBook. They take real leather and make it look like a vintage leatherbound book, then they put in some reinforcement for hardback proteection, and customize it to the dimensions of the Macbooks. Genius!

I don't know what I like better about mine: the boot leather smell (delicioso) or the fact that it is kind of a tricky disguise for would-be thieves. Now it just looks like I'm carrying around a really old book from the library in my bag instead of the obvious Hi-I'm-a-laptop neoprene case.

Please follow the instructions below to enter to win one in your choice of size or color!

  • Entry 1: Visit TwelveSouth and pick out which size and color BookBook you would want to buy or win, then leave me a comment tellin' me all about it
  • Entry 2: Like TwelveSouth on Facebook and write on their wall
  • Entry 3: Follow PSS on Twitter and retweet (using the little button thingy below) then leave a comment with the link to the tweet (include your @username as well) (follow Twelve South too if ya want!)
  • Entry 4: Like PSS on Facebook (see the box in the sidebar?) and then "like" this post using the like button below. Leave a comment telling me you did so!
  • Entry 5: If you are not already following via Bloglovin, you can get yourself an extra entry by signing up and following me.

Remember - separate comments for each entry, so you maximize your chances of winning! Contest ends April 1st 2011 at midnight CDT! Good luck!

If you don't want to take a chance, go ahead and purchase one now - you definitely won't regret it. For sure you will be the ONLY one of your friends who has a case like this, and you will get endless compliments on it, guaranteed.

We have a winner! Congratulations to commenter #102 -- Sara! I'm so happy for you Sara! Please email me with your address and info and we'll get your prize out to ya!