Convert Tumblr blog to Wordpress

I have successfully migrated my tumblelog over to Wordpress.  This was brought upon by my redesign (and conversion to WP from MovableType) of my mother's website and blog.  Today, I wanted to find her a new hosting provider, as ours was so antiquated that she was paying more than others do today for less features. So, we migrated over to DreamHost, and it's a pretty sweet deal. Wordpress gives you a coupon to use for a discount with their hosting. I haven't successfully switched my mom's domain over to Dreamhost yet so her files are yet to be moved (along with her massive SQL database, with blog entries dating back to 2003) but I was able to (fairly) easily convert my tumblr posts to Wordpress format with this easy to use tool.So....what did I do today? After messing with this Dreamhost/Wordpress stuff this morning, I took my car in to get its 15,000 mile maintenance at Gillman Mitsubishi. It's a pretty heavy service and it takes at least 2 hours. I didn't have a ride and didn't feel like making two trips, so I brought my netbook, First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2009, Goljan notes and Goljan audio lectures on iPhone and studied for all 3 hours it took to get done. It may seem like overkill to start studying for school/Step 1 before the school year has even started, but trust me, more med students have started than you realize. This time last year, Houston and his buddies were quizzing each other over Pathology! Anyway, it takes a lot of repetition for me to grasp concepts, so maybe I need it more than most. :)


Bleh....I'm tired!


From my old photoblog's archives.