Short Circuit His Brain On New Year's!

Do you know what day it is? We're a week into December, and if you're like me, you haven't picked out your New Year's Eve party dress yet.Never fear, PSS is here! Feast your eyes on this delicious eye candy: stunning shifts, sequins galore, shimmery metallics and luscious ruffles. Taylor Swift, eat your heart out! (She is notoriously fond of sparkly dresses) There is something for everyone. See my favorite, below.

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Holiday Card Roundup

I just love the holiday season, because it gives me an excuse to send old-fashioned mail--stamp-licking and all. I've got my holiday stamps from the post office all ready, but I still haven't bought my Christmas cards. On my hunt for the perfect set, I gathered my favorites to share with you.

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Giveaway: PONO Crystal Suzanne Bracelets

Not only do I bring you the fabulous J. Crew gold glitter wallet giveaway, but in the same week I am fortunate enough to be able to bring you something really special. Something that has been featured in the movies The Devil Wears Prada, and 27 Dresses. Oh, and this fall on Gossip Girl. Got your attention? It's another giveaway! Read on to enter!

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