Kristina Braly

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Birthday "Haul"

birthdayhaulvideo-smI cringe at the word "Haul" as it pertains to birthdays, but seeing as this was very highly requested - I decided to put this video up. Please note that this video in no way is meant to brag or show off by any means. I'm a fully grown woman who believes that giving presents is more fun than receiving them - but by the same vein, I also love seeing what other people get for their special day. It seems you do, too! So please take this for the fun and lightheartedness that is its intent, and I hope you enjoy watching me show you what wonderful, thoughtful gifts I received for my (milestone) birthday!

Leave me a comment telling me what's on YOUR birthday wishlist - and when your bday is! You might just get a special surprise in the mail one day, who knows. ;-)