To All the Bags I’ve Loved Before

How to Look Expensive
Not everyone can, or wants, to drop hundreds (if not thousands) to sport luxury fashion. But you can still look “expensive” (polished, put-together, classy) without breaking the bank. Here’s how.

New York - Episode 2
I was invited by Luxury Promise (UK) to host a live shopping show during their NYC launch spree. Thank you so much for having me, LP!

Jewelry & Fashion Haul
Let’s open some gorgeous jewelry, and talk about my newfound obsession for New York street style.

Vlogmas 2019
Inside My Louis Vuitton Agenda GM
This is a video I created for my channel -- a perennial favorite among #PlannerNerds, it's a walkthrough of my agenda setup. It's meant to provide inspiration and resources on how to effectively use and (if you wish) decorate your planner. I primarily use mine in a list format (to-do's) since I rarely have scheduled appointments....
Top Summer Essentials
Hey guys! I'm excited to share my favorite summer-themed essentials! This has been one of the hottest summers I can remember, and it's been important to keep cool, protect my skin from the hot summer rays, and work on the fine lines around my eyes from all the squinting, despite wearing sunglasses!