Colors of the Rainbow - Favorite Products Based on Color!

Colors of the Rainbow tag video, including beauty and fashion favorites based on the colors of the rainbow!

I decided to hop onto a rather popular bandwagon and film this little tag video for you guys. I was tagged a couple of times by other beauty gurus on YouTube and figured it was about time! It was a nice little study break for an hour or so, filming & editing the video. I hope you enjoy. Click on for product listings and the video! (You can also click the image above and be taken directly to the video page on YouTube.)

For those of you who are bewildered by all the bright colors you're looking at right now (I know, it's so not me, haha), this tag video is one in which you attempt to corral one favorite beauty or fashion or random item that is your favorite for that particular color of the rainbow.

For the color red, I had to go with my red-de-la-mode: NARS Velvet Lip Pencil in Red Square. Orange was a no-brainer as well: it has to be my favorite de-puffer, the GinZing eye cream, and my favorite AM treat, the Origins GinZing moisturizer. Yellow was a bit trickier, but I went with my eos lip balm in Lemon Drop (a purse staple these many months), and my Jo Malone Pomegranate Noir, because, well, it is slightly yellow toned, right? Green was no question: Essie's Mint Candy Apple (even though my gelly sandwich attempt failed) although a close second could have been my current everyday watch which you can see in the above photo (it's a mint Timex Weekender - very inexpensive!). Blue was a tough one for beauty products, so I went with my favorite blue dress of the moment, by London Times. Indigo has to be, categorically, jeans. I just picked up my freshly-washed Joe's Jeans pair for demonstration. Violet has to be my uber favorite Michael Todd True Organics skincare range. And then of course there was this pink thing and that pink thing, and a multicolor item at the very end to top it all off. Phew.



The Best Coral-Red Lipsticks


No-Makeup Look Makeup Tutorial