Houston Meetup April 18th!

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I hope you get as excited as I am right now because finally we can do something we've been wanting to do for ages -- a HOUSTON meet-up! It's a wonderful opportunity for me to get to know many of y'all living in Houston (or heck, Texas). So much of the time I'm talking to you but rarely do we get the opportunity to meet face to face. And Dove and I are partnering up for a fabulous event with refreshments, in the style of pampering (would we have it any other way?) with prizes for everyone who comes, plus extra goodies during a live Tweet Q-&-A session! It will be so fun and I hope you can make it! The Walmart hosting it is off of I-10 in the Heights area (on Yale street) if you're familiar. Hope you can come!!

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Empties #1 - Products I've Used Up!


Bare Minerals "The Top Shelf"