Empties #1 - Products I've Used Up!

empties1This is my first time ever doing an "Empties" video - also known as a video about the products I've used up and what I thought about them. I laughingly call these videos "What's In My Trash?" videos because really...that's what it is. If you were wondering, yes, I did keep a Neiman Marcus shopping bag next to the trash can in my bathroom to toss my empty products into. Yes, my husband was bewildered. It's okay if you are too.

Let's get on with the video! (Also, if you want to see my videos before anyone else, make sure you're subscribed! New videos out usually every Monday, Wednesday, Friday!)

What are your current products you're running low on? Tell me one product you think I MUST try!


Brand Focus: Antipodes


Houston Meetup April 18th!