Meet The Winner

I was so excited when I emailed the winner of the RM bag giveaway for her address and found out she also lived in Houston! There was a bit of confusion because someone else had a really similar name and thought she won, but after verification I found the true winner (Ly). We connected on Facebook to verify her details and confirm her identity, and that was when I discovered she also lived in my city. Something I have always wanted to do was to take every opportunity to meet you guys in person. It's part of why I love speaking engagements and conferences--because I love getting to know you, when I feel you know so much about me it hardly seems fair for me not to know you equally as well. But, I'm rambling. For those of you who are skeptics, there's no way I can make this up....

Join me in congratulating Ly on her big win! I will be holding more giveaways in the future, including one for my Facebook fans only, since I just recently hit 5,000 fans--so make sure you're a fan there if you want to get in on the action when that comes around! I haven't yet decided on the prize for that little giveaway.


The Dotted Line


Treat Yourself