Kristina Braly

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How to Look Expensive

A love letter to my boujee’s on a budget.

It isn’t realistic to expect everyone to be able to afford luxury. I myself spent years drooling over fashion bloggers and celebrities’ style, sporting It Bags and rocking designer clothing. Now, I’ve always had a passion for it, so it’s something I’ve put my mind to work toward, and, after years of working, starting at $10/hr to now being a full-time content creator and a board-certified Anesthesiologist, I’m happy to spend my “fun money” on the things that I enjoy collecting in the luxury segment.

But I don’t always (or ever) dress in head-to-toe designer fashion. I actually prefer the high-low mix. I think it brings realism and practicality to the table, which enables me to enjoy dabbling in “trends” without blowing my fun money on something I’ll wear only a few times. As a Taurus, I enjoy spending my money but I also enjoy saving it too - there’s few things in life I loathe more than wasting money. It’s one of the major reasons I like to recycle unloved bags in my collection (excluding Hermès, of course); it’s also why I prefer to not dish out thousands on a skirt or a shirt from Ready to Wear collections. I have to be completely certain that I will wear that thing to within an inch of its life, for me to be comfortable dishing out money on clothes.

I made this video (and this post) to show you that looking polished, put together, tailored, but on trend doesn’t mean you have to put yourself in debt, or sell a kidney.