Living in...Los Angeles

Click on for a photo journey thus far of my trip to Los Angeles! (iPhone camera-style only at the moment, since I'm still in L.A. and my iMac is not.) Warning: very photo-heavy post!

Above: At a little seafood shop on Santa Monica pier (the name  now escapes me) the first night in Los Angeles. I think I had literally landed about an hour before this pic was taken. It was overcast and chilly!

Above: Ready to hit the road to San Diego on Saturday (which was technically Day #2)! Here, I'm waiting in the car for our 35-minute-wait-breakfast-burritos at a little shack in Glendale called the Corner Cafe. They were good though--humongous, but good! Please excuse the cleavage - I have the tiniest boobs ever, not sure why they look boobalicious here.

Above: Sparkly purple glitter polish on top of navy blue - a new favorite! Very messy though. You have been warned.

Above: The Hotel del Coronado - the fantastic, OMG, wowness, holy-crappin' view from our hotel room. Coronado was amazing and beautiful, and we had a glorious time--even taking an outfit post shoot to the beach!

Above: My very first time. Nothing less than fabulous. This is the huge H&M at the shops at the Americana at Brand. It was amazing! Also amazing: the Forever 21 next door. Both stores have 2 levels and escalators!

Above: Kelsi was so sweet to invite me to a fabulous dinner with L.A.'s fashion elite, hosted by the fabulous Jenny Fleiss (Founder & President) & AJ (Director of PR) of Rent the Runway (more on that in its own post when I get back!).

Above: Vintage shopping with Kelsi at one fabulously curated vintage shop, and (above) this massive charity thrift warehouse. I got some great finds!

Above: Strolling about Chinatown...

Above: Eating won ton soup at Foo Chow, the Chinese restaurant as made famous by Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in Rush Hour.

Wearing one of my vintage finds.

Above: [houston] + rental car + curb = dented wheel & flat tire, apparently. He was needed at the hospital on call the next day, so I was the lucky beast in charge of getting it fixed (free, of course).

Above & Below: Old fashioned burger & malt joint down the road from the hotel [houston] and I are staying at.

Above: Soon to debut on some outfit posts - above, my new-to-me-but-vintage fur jacket (I don't buy real fur in general, but I felt vintage fur allowable since it doesn't support the current fur trade in any way, being vintage), and my oh-so-fabulous new cape! I've never owned a cape before but they're extremely trendy this fall and I look forward to wearing it on those crisp falls days in Texas (whenever that may be).

Other highlights not captured on film:

  • [houston] getting pulled over for talking on his cell phone (oops! we's legal in texas, though i wish it weren't) - we got off with a warning, which is apparently unheard of.
  • fried zucchini
  • dubbing our gps unit "marvin"
  • bitching at "marvin"
  • $10 fast food (ridic!)
  • amazing tacos at King Taco
  • the amazing weather (hottest day so far = 84 degrees F)
  • the "marine layer" = wtf?
  • meeting up with L.A. fashion bloggers tomorrow at Bloggers Cafe!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed my on-the-road (metaphorically) photo diary! Expect full-on outfit posts and fashion-themed event recaps when I return on Saturday the 25th! Leave a comment letting me know which photo is your favorite!




OMG: Japanese Super Store